Saturday 14 May 2011

Bristol Comic Con 2011…

…I'm there. Lots of lovely comic people, pros and fans, and a splendid time is being had, if not by all, then by me, at least. Notwithstanding the prices in the Ramada bar, from where I am typing this very missive.

Blog post with actual content will resume next week, in the meantime, I'd direct your attention to this post on balloon placement from Jim Shooter's blog, brought to you via Nate Piekos (@blambot) on Twitter.

Must dash… this beer won't drink itself, you know!


  1. Nice to finally meet you. Next time we'll have to pencil in more than 2 or 3 minutes at a time ;)

  2. No argument on either score, sir! I think I may well do the one-day in Birmingham -- it's a cheap train from Nottingham and no hotel needed. I notice that Mr Soffe is going, and Mr Askham is thinking about it…
