Saturday 5 February 2011

How d'ya like me now?!

It turns out that in Germany, I don't do the lettering… in Germany, I do the buchstaben, and they take their buchstab-ers seriously in Germany, because I get second credit!

Check it out!



(Special thanks to True Grit adapter Ben Read for bringing this to my attention.)


  1. Don't forget this one: ;)

  2. Heh. We did it in six translated editions in the end -- German, French, Italian, Spanish, Mexican Spanish and Brazilian Portugese. So far, I think only the Germans have promoted me to second place in the credit listing, though.

    I notice that in the comments on the French one, someone is complaining that the text is too small. Buy a bigger monitor, ya cheap French bastich!

  3. I notice the German site also lists you as the co-author in the credits below the comic.

  4. And this from Forbidden Planet:

    "Apologies, I meant to post a link to this last week and was reminded of it by going to see the (quite brilliant) Coen Brothers movie at the weekend – a free 24 page comic of True Grit by Christian Wildgoose and Jim Campbell that you can read online or download"

    Your publicist is earning their money.

  5. They certainly are -- I really ought to pay them…
