Monday 21 January 2013

Tempus Fugit…

Another new year, and once again I find myself asking where all the time went…!

I haven't bothered with New Year's resolutions for a long time, but if I'm going to make one this year, it's going to be that I'll reverse the shameful neglect of this blog.

I mean, yes, busy, yes, lots of work, yes, yes… there are lots of creative people far busier than I who maintain blogs more regular and productive than this one.

So… 2013 will see some more proper content on this blog. If you're not seeing it, nag me in the comments and shame me into making time for some regular bloggery.




  1. Jim, I just got on here for a quick Illustrator tutorial before I start letting the 3rd issue of my comic (which to date only comes out once a year, unfortunately), and saw your New Year's post, so here's your reminder:

    GET BLOGGING! People need your advice and insight!

    Also, maybe you could send me a reminder some time, since I am also a sporadic blogger. Thanks for being there!


  2. Jim, I'd love to see your blog updated more frequently. That said, I only ask that no matter how much you neglect this blog, for god's sake DO NOT EVER REMOVE THIS TREASURE FROM THE INTERNET!

  3. A Jim Campbell joined my blog a while back, but there's no link to this one so I don't know whether it's you or not. As I usually reciprocate by joining someone's blog who's joined mine, could you let me know if you're the fella in question. Ta.

  4. Hi, Kid! Yep -- pretty sure that would be me! :-)

  5. Finally found your site, i'm the letterer and writer guy you met at Cardiff Comic Con and we were talking with Rich Clements. Will have a read.
    Here is my project we were talking about at the convention that i'm doing at the moment, check it out and see what you think.

  6. *tumbleweeds roll by*

  7. Ha. Fair cop. I'm actually just polishing off a lengthy contribution to a 'how-to' book on cartooning and have what (hopefully!) will be the first of some new posts ready in the next week or so…

  8. Sweet! Looking forward to it.

  9. Good stuff Jim! be sure and share the book details mate! I'll pick one up for sure.

    Oh, and start blogging again soon please. ;-)

  10. *roomful of tumbleweeds*
